Thursday, April 14, 2011

It always feels like there are ten thousand things that all need to get done at once.

Monday was a shit storm. A bunch of crazy shit came up and I ended up having to close suddenly in the middle of the day to pick up a shelf I was told I'd have a weeks worth of notice to get. I was given about 5 hours notice instead. It was a bunch of stressful garbage that included driving an hour plus to get to Lynnwood, trying to find a licensed electrician on super short notice and then also some how finding some way to get this big ass shelf back down to Bonney Lake to get it into the store. I could easy regale you with the full details but I'm sure it'd be pretty damn boring. If you're really interested in hearing about it, or seeing the shelf that took so much effort just swing by the shop.

What bugged me the most about the whole thing though, was having to suddenly close. I hate it. I don't like having to close on short notice. It sucks. I feel like I'm always disappointing someone. It's one of those things that constantly pokes me in the back of the brain. It's one of the things I've found the most difficult about owning/running the shop on pretty much my own. Everything, is always on me. And it's a lot of pressure to try and take care of everything while still worrying about how my own actions and behavior is gonna reflect my business. If I show up Wednesday morning with a box of books I need to sort and put onto shelves/into boxes, and I got online bills for engery/phone/internet/whatever else to pay and I got messy high school kids trying to ask me questions about trivial bullshit and then I also got new customers off the street trying to ask where certain books are. It makes my face wanna explode. And someone is gonna get ignored. And I hate having to do that. I hate the idea of losing business to a customer cause I need to put new books out, or because I'm being swarmed by needy children who want to ask me if I think Hulk could beat Batman in a fight, or if I have any of (insert random magic card name) to trade to them for their (insert random magic card name). I need to big Dr. Manhattan and just make copies of myself so I can get some damn work done! Or Jamie Madrox for that matter.

I'm gonna take out all my stress out on my next post. I've never written a big old mean post critiquing some one. But I think it needs to happen. Get ready! Greg Land your hideous photo referenced sexiest garbage you call art is being called out!

1 comment:

  1. SOMEONE needs to call him out. His art is a travesty to women.
