Saturday, April 9, 2011


My mood changes with the hours of the day. I say this because my mood is mostly dependent on how the shop is doing and my hope that I'm not gonna go out of business. And every morning is slow, its not a bad thing its just a the way it goes. I've found that an outrageous amount of my business takes place from 3 to 7. It makes sense, kids after school, working folks after work. It's not hard to fathom by any means, yet every morning I get bored and stressed when I open up at 11 an don't see a single customer till after 1. Its a consistent daily trend. And as the day passes and customers start to come in right like clockwork at 3 and 5 I feel better and the stress disappears. But there are other highlights that make my whole day worth it.

Two times this week, during the morning/early afternoon this family has come in. The mom doesn't speak English very well so she always seems kind of confused when I ask her if they need any help finding anything but her kids get it and they need no help. Cause they go to town on the shelves. It's a simple kind of unadulterated joy thats impressive. They don't care about big creative teams on the books or whether or not an issue is in the middle of a story arc. They just wanna read comics. And it's super cool, and it really takes me back to when I was young. When I didn't know what the hell I was picking out at the shop and I just picked whatever had the raddest cover. Back to when everything was new and vibrant and I was just starting to get to know all these crazy fantastical characters. They fight with themselves over what book they want and I ring them up and their mom beckons its time to go. And one of the kids asks if they can stay just a second longer because they wanna get in as much as possible before they leave and all the slow mornings I've ever had are worth it.

I wish I was ten again.

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